Center for Social Media Responsibility names Hemphill to leadership role

CSMR is pleased to announce the appointment of Libby Hemphill to the position of associate director.
Libby has served on our faculty council since its inception, and she studies the democratic potential and failures of social media, as well as ways to facilitate the analysis of groups, and differences between groups, within the realm of social media. In her new role, she will help us expand our efforts particularly in making meaningful, transparent comparisons of the experiences different groups of users have on various platforms.
Libby says: "I look forward to exploring how we can help platforms recognize the ways in which various groups might change their behaviors in order to exploit the platforms' features and mechanisms. At the same time, I'm excited about finding ways to amplify the positive effects of social media, like connection, discussion, and social support, and providing users and platforms with information and metrics to recognize changes over time."
With Libby in an expanded role at CSMR, we will continue to enthusiastically pursue our mission of helping social media platforms meet their public responsibilities. Welcome, Libby, to the leadership team!